What is… SPLAASH!

SPLAASH! is how successful storytellers create convincing stories: from a sweeping speech to a punchy Insta clip.

“I’ve been using the SPLAASH! framework since long before I put it in words. As a copywriter, stage performer and as a trainer.” – Boris de Jong

SPLAASH! is how you
– hook your audience,
– keep their attention, and
– slide them right to where you want them. 


in a nutshell...

Framework for sticky stories

SPLAASH! is what you get when you realise that a really good story is a lot like that trusted friend of all children: a waterslide.

Curious? Look to the right and find out...!


Brightly coloured curved shapes?

Draw in your audience from the first sight, Those first seconds make all the diffference.

Tension is Gravity?

Dramatic tension pulls your audience through the story, just like gravity does in a slide.

Safety and surprises...?

No logic? They lose the plot! No surprises? Boring story!

Excitement and thrill?

As cold water gives you goosebumps - successful stories tap into the senses, too.

The analogy continues...!

See what I'm getting at? Learn more about the power of SPLAASH! in our two-day training.

straight From the horse’s mouth

Watch Boris explain SPLAASH!


Learn more about SPLAASH!

SPLAASH! is a metaphor that I´ve turned into an ultra-handy framework to base proper storytelling on.

You too can use SPLAASH! in your storytelling. Sign up for one of my coaching or training sessions and watch your audience grow!



I frequently assist founders, leaders and other storytellers as a coach. Contact me and find out how…!


I give about four to six two-day trainings every year – some online, some off – to help people understand SPLAASH! in their own content creation.

Get In Touch

Let’s Tell Better Stories.


We build  content and experiences with a story-driven approach.









+31 6 509 619 65

Rustenburgerlaan 33
2012 AK Haarlem

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